Murphy's toddlers laws

Murphy's toddlers laws

* When you need to carry a child they will want to walk.
* When you want them to walk they will want to be carried.
* When you bring the stroller they will want to walk.
* When you forget the stroller they will want to ride.
* The more potential a food has for stains the greater the coverage area when it is hurled by a child.
Corollary: The more potential a food has for stains the more expensive the item of clothing/fabric/furniture it strikes.
The corollary was sent by Grotblik
* A child's favorite one day is never a favorite the next day (especially food).
* The intensity of the tantrum is directly proportional to the amount of people around to witness.
* If it's mine it's mine,
if it's yours it's mine,
if I like it is mine,
if I can take it from you it is mine,
if I am playing with something ALL of the pieces are mine,
if I think it is mine it is,
if I saw it first it's mine,
if I had it then put it down it is still mine,
if you had it then you put it down it is now mine,
if it looks like the one I have at home it is mine,
if it is broken it is yours.
* If I make a mess you must clean it up
* If I broke it, its your fault
The last two laws were sent by Rose Wassef
* The louder you speak and the more you repeat something is inversely proportional to the amount of information taken in.
* Soccer, Dance, Basketball, Softball, Piano, Girl(Boy)Scouts (etc.) is always on the same day with less then 5 minutes between.
* The more preparation time for the meal the less likely a child is to eat it.
* As soon as the snow suit, and all of the paraphernalia that accompanies, is on the child will have to use the bathroom.
* As soon as the child is in the car and the car has left the driveway the child will have to use the bathroom.
* The clothes/shoes you bought last week will not fit this week or will not be "cool" enough for this week.
* The amount of sound from the other room is inversely proportional to the amount of trouble the child is getting into.
* The more you paid for the car seat the more the child will hate it.
* When you are in a hurry the child will dawdle.
* The greater the importance of the phone call the bigger the mess the child will make or the louder the tantrum the child will have.
Sent by Stacy Robarge
* The availability of daycare is directly proportionate to how badly you need it.
* Your child will always wait until you are fully dressed for work before spilling their food on you.
The last two laws were sent by Acacia Anderson
* The later you let a child stay up at night, the earlier he will wake up in the morning.
Sent by Mary Streeter
* If I hid it well enough it will always be mine
Sent by Jennifer Parkins
* If they hide it under their bed, you will:
o Relocate it when they graduate from high school
o Find it when it begins to rot
Sent by Jerry Duncan
* When leaving the house without an extra set of clothes, they will render the clothes they have on nwearable
Sent by Carletta Sanders from the Successful Homeschooling blog


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